Mobile Gaming

18 10 2013

I think this is definitely something that my client could benefit from. I think this advertising is a great way to advertise and a fun way to get more business into your store. I think this would draw more people into Starbucks and maybe even a younger and different crowd. I think this would be a great way to reach Starbuck’s target audience. I personally would participate in this type of advertising. Being a college student I am always looking for discounted prices and this is a fun way to do it.


11 10 2013

Pet Peeves..

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves

11 10 2013


I can honestly say I do not have that many pet peeves. I do not get annoyed easily by people especially because of little things. I would have to say my biggest pet peeve is people who are hypocrites. People that talk badly about somebody doing something that they do themselves irks me a little bit. I think the most annoying part about it is that I can’t say “well you do that” because I am too nice and most of the time it is not worth it. Another pet peeve I have is when people make little noises with their mouth like smacking or some sort of noise like that. It annoys me mainly because it is rude and it frustrates me that people do not notice it when they are doing it.


4 10 2013

Oh Mayhem

Mayhem! Oh, My!

Twitter Ads

30 09 2013

          I think the new Mayhem persona from the Allstate commercials is a good tactic to get people interested in it. I think it is a good idea how they will allow followers to interact with Mayhem in a new way capitalizing on real time events, both planned and unplanned and live tweeting to followers. I think this is a good way to get the fans involved as well as drive new customers to Allstate. I think the fact that they are getting on Vine and Instagram will also increase their fan base. Social media is becoming the major resource to create brand awareness and they are utilizing to the extreme.


13 09 2013

Why PR?

13 09 2013

People ask me all the time why I chose public relations as a major. My typical responce is because I like to talk to people and be around people. Those are just the perks of it. I mainly chose PR because I like to plain events, write, and help a company keep a positive and good reputation!

If I were speaking to a freshman and persuading them to be a PR major I would strongly encourage it. I would say it is one of the best decesions I have made in my life. One of the main things I like about it is that is a smaller major so you get really close to all the other students and the professors. The classes are smaller making it easier to get more direct attention and criticism. It is also a fun way to get through school!


6 09 2013

The Communication Question

Is communication technology making us antisocial?

Social Media

6 09 2013

A lot of adults and older people think that social media is putting a damper on communication. I have to disagree with this. I think that social media is making people more social and boosting communication. People are always talking about what the new social media site is and trying to figure out how they can join it. Social media builds a foundation for conversation and gives people something to talk about. It is also a great way to communicate with people you have not talked to in a long time as well as communicating with people that are far away from you. Social media is also a great communication tool for businesses. It helps businesses to communicate information about their company to the public. I feel like social media has done everything except alter communication and make people “anti-social.”


29 08 2013

I decided to comment on this blog because Greece is the one place I would love to visit! I want to vacation there one day. I thought it was really cool how you mentioned the culture change and how we are all raised in a different culture. I also thought it was really cool how the Greek salads taste different there. I have heard that the pasta in Italy tastes different than it does here as well!

A Place to Call Home

I really enjoyed reading this post because I never think of the house I grew up in as a place I would love to visit again. Where you grew up will always be a part of you and I think everybody should try to carry that with them. I liked how you mentioned that “Home is a place where I will bring my future family to make lifelong memories and continue to spend time with the ones I love most.” This is exactly how I feel about my home and I get happy just thinking about it!